Author Lists in Citations
This category contains the options for how to list the authors if the cited work has multiple authors.
Note that this does not have any effect if you use a so-called numbered style – i.e a style that uses numbers instead of author / year in the consecutive text.
The upper part of the dialog box specifies punctuation / words between the authors, while the bottom two indicate if and if so, how to shorten the list.
The different options are:
Author Separators | Enter punctuation between authors, with the option to add an extra punctuation before the last author in the list. The two rows allow two types of punctuation depending on the number of authors. Remember to insert desired spaces even though they are not easily seen in this dialog box |
Abbreviated AuthorList – First Appearance |
Here you specify whether all authors should be included in the citation, or if not, how many should be included, how to state that the list is shortened and whether this text should be italicized |
Abbreviated Author List – Subsequent Appearances |
What is stated in these options indicates the formatting for subsequent citations of the same work. In other words, they only apply to citations that occur more than once |