Get started with EndNote online

This page describes easy steps to get started with EndNote online. See the help pages in the program for more help with each feature.
Please note that you must be on Campus (or be connected via VPN) when you create an account to be registered as a UiB. This will give you access to our subscription services and we can update styles for you.
(After registration, you can of course log in from anywhere in the world.)

We do not recommend that you log in via Facebook or Linkedin, even though this is stated as an opportunity on the login page.

Create account

Download Word Add-ons

    • Make sure you are logged in to the machine with enough software installation privileges («administrative rights»)
    • Close Word (and other Office products)
    • Open your browser and log in to your EndNote online account
  • In the menu bar, click «Downloads»
  • Choose the download version that suits your machine
  • The procedure further varies depending on how the browser is set up. Choose to run the downloaded file directly if you are asked for it, or go to the downloaded file folder and run the program directly from there if you do not receive such a question.
  • Launch the Word program and make sure the EndNote add-in is installed.
    (It will appear as a separate menu item or under the «Tools» menu, depending on Word version and setup.)