Transfer of references from ProQuest Academic Research Library

You can transfer the references directly from ProQuest Academic Research Library to EndNote.
It is also possible to export references from ProQuest to a file and then import that file to your EndNote library. This procedure is especially useful if you are on a PC without EndNote.

Direct transfer of references from ProQuest

How to:

  • Search and mark relevant references in the ProQuest database
  • Click on the «Save» button
  • Select «RIS (works with EndNote, Citavi, etc.)»
  • Make sure the RIS format is selected in the dialog box and click
  • Depending on how the browser is set up, a dialog box may appear asking how it should relate to the file in question. Choose to open it.
  • We strongly recommend to always check that the information is in the correct field in the EndNote library

Import from ProQuest

How to:

In ProQuest:

  • Search and mark relevant references in the ProQuest database
  • Click on the «Save» button
  • Select «RIS (works with EndNote, Citavi, etc.)»
  • Make sure the RIS format is selected in the dialog box and click
  • The next choices depend on how the browser is set up, but find the option to save the file.
  • Enter file name and location

In EndNote:

Many computers are set up to automatically open .RIS files in the EndNote program.
In such cases, the procedure described below will be performed automatically.

  • Select «Import…» from the «File» menu

  • Choose the right file name / location under «Import Data File»

  • Select  «ProQuest» under «Import Option»

  • We strongly recommend to always check that the information is in the correct field in the EndNote library